Typical butsudans (Buddhist altars) are "kin butsudan (golden altar)" and "karaki butsudan (rare foreign wood altar). A golden altar is a gorgeous one, made of Japanese cypress, pine or cedar, coated with Japanese lacquer, with Makie (gold lacquer work) on it, colored with Kinpaku (gold leaf).

golden altar
Golden Altar (Kin Butsudan)

A karaki butsudan (a rare foreign wood altar) is made of hard, beautiful high-grade import woods such as ebony wood or rosewood.

rare foreign wood altar
Rare Foreign Wood Altar (karaki butsudan)

Echizen'ya also provides various types of creative butsudans (Mokusho) on the basis of the best techniques and craftsmanship of experts in the industry of Osaka Buddhist altars.

"Mokusho Butsudan" is an altar made of wood indigenous to Japan - keyaki (Japanese zelkova), tamo, tochi (Japanese horse chestnut), sen, shimagaki, enju (Japanese sophora), kuri (Japanese chestnut). It is a really beautiful butsudan with the color, luster, wood texture, aroma and grandiosity of the material comparable to ebony wood or rosewood.

creative butsudan
Creative Butsudan